Monday, April 28, 2014

Contemporary Issues: Looking in the Mirror

Directions: In  your business groups, you will analyze, review, and discuss each question. 

1. What are some examples of cultural stereotypes that you hold?
2.What is your definition of racism?
3. What should be the proper response to Donald Sterling remarks? (Fans, NBA, Media)
4. What are your thoughts on Donald Sterling?
5. How do you respond to prejudices, stereotypes, and racism?
6. What can be done to eliminate racism? 
7. Do you think Donald Sterling was set up? Why or why not?

Economics: Price Floor & Price Ceilings

Cost/Benefit Analysis of Price Floors and Price Ceilings

Directions: Each business will discuss and answer each scenario.

Price Floor or Price
Ceiling + (Causes What?)
Costs and Losers
Benefits and Gainers
1. Because they are necessary, the government should not permit doctors charge more than $25 for an office visit.

2. The government should set a maximum price for electricity.

3. There should be a limit on the amount cell phone companies charge.

4. Dairy farmers should be guaranteed a minimum price for their milk to make
 sure we have a good supply.

5. If gasoline prices get too high, the government should set a limit on them.

6. The minimum wage should be higher.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Mock Election PBL: Debate Topics

Directions: In your learning communities discuss and answer the following topic?

  1. Should abortion be legal? 
  2. Should gay marriage be legal? 
  3. Should music artist have their music censored?
  4. Should McDonald’s close for health concerns?
  5. Should we have more gun rights or gun laws? 
  6. What should the law be for marijuana?  
  7. Should the legal drinking age be set by the state?

Monday, April 21, 2014

420: Legal or Naw

Directions:  In groups, you must decide whether Tennessee should or should not legalize of marijuana

Each poster must include evidence that supports your opinion:

Money Mondays

Scenario: an organization is looking to expand but first you must pass a series of interviews inorder to receive financial benefits. As groups you will brainstorm possible answers for interview questions. Then each person will select interview for he job. Only the top 33% will receive the job

Here is the rubric:

1. How did you hear about the position?
2.  What are your greatest professional strengths
3.What do you consider to be your weaknesses?
4.What is your greatest professional achievement?
5.Tell me about a challenge or conflict you've faced at work, and how you dealt with it.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Shark Tank PBL

Shark Tank PBL
Directions: Within your business, you will come up with a product you would like to sell. You will have this in a document format, PPT, and finally present your product.  

Sample Presentation

Class Library Dates: April 17th & April 24th

  • Business Plan (Word document of answers) & PPT (10-15 slides):Due April 24th
  • TV Commercial: Due April 30th 
  • Shark Tank Presentation (Professional Dress ): May 6th, 2014 
  • EMAIL to 
  • FYI: Any submissions after the three class periods used in library is considered to be late. Each day late is a letter grade
1)      Product(s) description – what is your product?
a)      Why did you choose this as your focus product(s)?
b)      Describe specific characteristics (ie. color, size, weight, special features, etc.).
2)      Business Name - come up with a creative business name.
a)      You are to design your company logo and slogan.
3)      Business description – describe what type of business it will be (ie corporation, franchise, etc.).
4)      Market research – REMEMBER the most important concept to grasp is that you must study potential customers’ needs. 
a)      Develop a survey using to survey your fellow classmates.
ii)      Some questions should be getting specific information about the consumers (ie. Characteristics, likes, dislikes, etc.)
iii)    Other questions should pertain to your specific product
b)      You will then analyze you results.
i)        Write a brief report on how many people answered the questions the way they did; why you think they answered them that way; what changes you think you could make based on the results.
5)      Describe your target market in detail
a)      Demographics (characteristics): Age range,  Gender, Education, Occupation, Income, Ethnic background, Family life-cycle (Single; Young Married w/o children; Young Married with children; Middle-aged with children; Middle-aged Married w/o dependent children; Older Married)  
b)     Market size of each segment – you will search your specific company location and printout the census profile.  You will then look at the market that you chose to target and decide whether you believe it is feasible based on the census report.  You will then write a few sentences explaining why you feel they match. (
6)      List your competitors & Research – who and where are your competitors?
a)      Local, Regional, Global, Online
b)      Also explain what type of competition you face and why: limited; monopolistic; intense.
c)      Research competitors’ products that are similar to yours. Will your product be able to replace theirs or at least compete successfully? Explain.
7)      Location/Distribution of your store – (City and State) why did you choose this location?
a)      Did you base it on the population of the specific area?
b)      Did you base on personal reasons? (ie. climate, weather, scenery, family location, etc.).
c)      Did you base it on competitors’ locations?
d)     Since you all have a store, you will be selling directly to customers.Will you also be selling your products to other retailers? Why or why not?
e)      Will you be using a website ? Why or why not?
f)       If you are selling through the website, which parcel company do you plan to use? (USPS, UPS, Fed Ex, DHL, etc.)
8)      Price – What is your price and how did you come up with your price? Be specific. 

9)      Promotion – Sales Promotion – Choose at least one sales promotion from the following list: (a) Contests and sweepstakes, (b) Coupons, (c) Point-of –Purchase Promotion, (d) Sampling. You will explain why you chose the specific promotion.  You will then create an example.  (For instance, if you are to choose a contest, you will develop a flyer that promotes the contest with the explanation, the prize, the rules, etc…  If you are to choose coupons, you can create an actual coupon).
10)  Promotion – Personal Selling – Explain how your sales associates would assess customer needs when trying to sell your product.
11)  Promotion - Advertising Options- Choose what types of advertising you would use from the list below. You will then explain why you chose what you did. 
a)      Internet (website, social networking site, etc.)
b)      Print Advertising (brochure, fact sheet, magazine ad, newspaper ad, direct mail)
c)      Broadcast Advertising (television commercial, radio commercial)
d)     Transit Advertising (bus, subways)
e)      Outdoor Media
f)       Other ______________________________

12)  Promotion – Creating Your Advertising – You will create a television commercial  for your product. In addition, you will need to create one print piece.

Supply & Demand Assignment


Are these products/services Elastic or Inelastic?  Explain your answers.


Hotel Rooms  E or I




PhotographsE or I




Taxi RidesE or I



MassagesE or I



OrangesE or I



Supply Curve/Schedule- Use the following information to draw up a supply schedule and curve.


A job at Wal-Mart opens up and 10 students are asked how many hours they would work at different prices.  At $3 and hour the avg. was 3 hrs.  If they made $5 they said they would work 12 hrs.  At $7 they were willing to work 20 hrs.  At $9 per hour they came up with 26 hours.  And at $11 per hour these students were willing to work 32 hours per week.


Five years later a Wal-Mart manager has a new opening.  They want to know how many hours’ kids are willing to work at different levels of pay.  Now it is your turn to survey students.  You need to start out by increasing each salary from before by $2 an hour.  Then you need to ask 10 students the number of hours they are willing to work.  Add them up and figure out the averages.  You need to put together a supply schedule and curve using these numbers compared to the previous numbers.


   4.   Is the labor (their product) of students elastic or inelastic?  Explain.



Supply and Demand

Answers to these questions can be found in Chapter 5 & 6


What is the difference between a Demand Schedule and aSupply Schedule?
What is Equilibrium?
What will buyers find on shelves at equilibrium?
What will firms find at equilibrium?
What is Disequilibrium?
What is Excess Demand?
What will happen to customers at excess demand?
What should a business do at excess demand?
What is Excess Supply?
What causes excess supply?
What will customers do at excess supply?
What is a Price Ceiling?
Give an example and explain.
What problems do price ceiling cause?
What are Price Floors?
Give an example.

Economic Journal Entry #7

Economics  Journal Entry #7

Directions: Reflect on the following question.  (8 sentences minimum) 

What is the most controversial thing you have ever done?  Why was it? Explain. 

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Special Interest: Gun Control

Directions: Select a State and answer the following questions regarding its gun rights


1. What are the citizen qualifications?
2. What citizens are disqualified?
3. Places Off-Limits Even With A Permit/License?
4. Types of gun allowed?
5. Types of guns that restricted?

Class Activity

Political Parties and Special Interest Groups 

Directions: Analyze the political cartoon
1. What issue inspired the cartoonist to draw this cartoon?
2. Why did the cartoonist include the US flag in front of the polling place?
3. How are special interest groups represented in the cartoon, and what is the representation so large when compared to the voters?
4. How does the cartoonist represent financial contributions and how do you know contributions are large?
5. What is the intended message of the statement?

Government Journal Entry #15

Government Journal Entry #15

Directions: Reflect on the following question.  (8 sentences minimum) 

What is the most controversial thing you have ever done?  Why was it? Explain. 

Monday, April 14, 2014

Government Journal Entry #14

Government Journal Entry #14

Directions: Reflect on the following question.  (8 sentences minimum) 

 What is your best prom experience? Why? 

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Determinants of Supply

In your business groups? Provide one example and explanation for each determinants (two sentences per minimum) 

Determinants of Supply 
1. Input Costs 
2. Technology 
3. Government Subsidies 
4. Taxes 
5. Government Regulation 
6. Number of Sellers 
7. Business Expectations 
8. Supply Shocks

Economic Journal Entry #6

Economic Journal Entry #6

Directions: Reflect on the following question.  (8 sentences minimum) 

What song would best describe you? Why? 

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Government Journal Entry #13

Government Journal Entry #13

Directions: Reflect on the following question.  (8 sentences minimum) 

 What song would best describe you? Why? 

Monday, April 7, 2014

Economics: Hire or NAWH

Directions: Each organization is looking to expand but first you must pass a series of interviews inorder to receive financial benefits. Each group will brainstorm possible answers for interview questions. Then each group will select one person to represent the group. FYI: you can only select one group to represent once.

Here is the rubric:

Here is the pool the possible questions:
1. Tell me about yourself
2. Why did you leave your last job?
3. What experience do you have in this field?
4. Do you consider yourself successful?
5. What do co-workers say about you?
6. What do you know about this organization?
7. What have you done to improve your knowledge in the last year?
8. Why do you want to work for this organization?
9. What kind of salary do you need?
10. Are you a team player?

Economics Journal Entry #5

Economics Journal Entry #5

Directions: Reflect on the following question.  

Looking in the future twenty years from now, what did you accomplish? 

Provide a list of your top ten accomplishments (2014-2034). 

Friday, April 4, 2014

Campaign Poster

Directions: Each person must create a campaign poster for their party candidate. 

This poster must include:
  1. One Original Party Slogan  
  2. One Party Platform Proposed Rule  
  3. One Photo or Logo 

This must be emailed to 

Email must be titled: Campaign Poster- Your Name


Persuasive slogan showing a relationship between candidate and his mission.
Persuasive slogan showing somewhat of a relationship between candidate and his mission.
A non-persuasive slogan showing little relationship between candidate and his mission.

Visual was effective and illustrated candidate’s mission.
A visual which somewhat illustrates candidate’s mission.
There is a visual but does not illustrate candidate’s mission.

Party Platform
Statement shows a depth of knowledge about why the candidate should be elected president.
Statement shows some knowledge about why the candidate should be elected president.
Statement does not demonstrate knowledge about why the candidate should be elected president.

Grammar and Spelling
No spelling errors. No grammar errors. Text is in authors’ own words.
Some spelling errors. Some grammar errors.Text is in authors’ own words.
Many spelling and or grammar errors. Text is copied.

20 – 18 Good Campaign
17 – 14   Working on Campaign
  13 – 0   Campaign Needs to Re-Group