Monday, March 31, 2014

Journal Entry #10

Government Journal Entry #10

Directions: Reflect on the following question. (8 sentence minimum) 

What is your most memorable high school moment/story? Explain and discuss. 

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Friday, March 14, 2014

Economics: Self Evaluation

Directions: On a sheet of paper, provide an in depth answer to the following questions regarding your progress in this class.

  1. Stimulated Thinking
            a) This course introduced me to what new ideas?
            b) Which new ideas did you like the most?
            c) Which did you like the least?
2. Time Spent
            a)On average, how much time did you spend on this course outside of the classroom per week?
            a)How many classes did you miss in this course?   0-1, 2-4,  5-7, 8 or more.
             b)How many classes were you tardy in this course?   0-1, 2-4,  5-7, 8 or more.
4. Learning Outcomes
            a) What do you think your Third Quarter grade should be? Why?
5. Group Work
            a) Are you pleased with your groups grade?Why? 
            b) What can be done to improve the group work model that we use? Explain?
6. Fourth Quarter
             a) What would you like to do in the next quarter in this Economics course? Provide two examples

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

**Extra Credit Event**

The ACLU of Tennessee’s Students’ Rights Conference:                                                      A Youth Exploration of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness

This free, daylong conference offers high school students the opportunity to explore what the Bill of Rights means in young peoples’ day-to-day lives. Students from all over the state of Tennessee are invited to engage with experts and peers in a day of civil liberties empowerment, discussions, workshops, and plans of action. The conference is free, and is open to high school students only. Pre-registration is required.
Tuesday, March 18
9:30-10:00 a.m.: Registration
10:00 a.m.- 3:30 p.m.: Conference 
**Extra Credit Event**

Must sign up with me. 


Monday, March 10, 2014

Government: Congressional Petition R.A.F.T. Assignment

Assignment Overview

In this activity, we will identify community problems and obtain signatures to send to our local representative. Through this process we will be developing the participating-in-government skills of observing the need for new policy, conducting a survey, petitioning, and contacting policy makers.

Here is the RAFT Scenario:

Concerned Citizen
TN State Representative
Needs of the
PCHS Community

Activity Guidelines 
1. Discuss what problems that your state representative might be able to help you with.
2. Select and record the five most important problems
3. Each group will poll twenty five students about these problems. Ask them to rate each problem on a scale of  1 (Most Important) .. 2 ( Important)...3 (Somewhat)...4..(Not Important)
4. Tally your results. What problems were most important? least important? Why do you think so? Explain your experiences (10 Sentences)
5. Each person write a letter of consisting of fifteen sentences to send to our local state representative detailing the needs of the PCHS community. Also discuss your findings.

Government Journal Entry #9

Government Journal Entry #9

Directions: Reflect on the following questions. (8 sentence minimum) 

Describe the following about the cartoon:

1. The symbols.  2. The people.  3. The actions. 4. The message.


Government: Branches of Government Test

Here is the Three Branches of Government PPT. Make sure you know the items in red.

Economics: Mid-term Question Creation

Economics Midterm Create-A-Test
- Using your notes in your binder, study guides, and materials from your textbook from Econ Chapter 1 and 4 that we covered in class,

Create the following:                                                                     
Amount of Questions
Type of Question
Multiple Choice (must have 4 choices: A, B, C, D)

True or False

Total of 20 Questions

- Use your best handwriting and grammar -- print only
- Create a separate Answer Key for your test. DO NOT answer on the test.
- Staple a cover sheet to your test and key with your Group Name and period on it.
- All questions must be in your own words. DO NOT copy questions straight out of the book.
- Make up questions that you know you could answer if you had studied the material.
- This is assignment is for a group grade due today, March 10, 2014 to the substitute teacher! (No Exceptions)
- FYI: Plagiarism = zero

1 pts
3 pts
5 pts
Question Total Amount
Test Questions total less than 15 questions
Test questions total at least 16-19  questions
Test questions total 20 questions
Question Clarity 
Test items are ambiguous or vague to cause confusion on the part of students; Lacks age-appropriate language 
Most test items are worded clearly; Some questions are unclear and may use vocabulary at a higher or lower grade level. 
All test items are worded clearly so that students understand the meaning of questions (age-appropriate) 
Answer Key 
Incomplete or missing answer key or inaccurate responses 
Answer key included with some inaccurate/incorrect answers 
Complete, accurate answer key included 
Grammar & Spelling 
Numerous grammar and spelling errors 
Some grammar and/or spelling errors 
Free from grammar and spelling 

Economics: Mid-Term on Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Make sure that you know these items for midterm exams:

  1. Demand 
  2. Law of demand
  3. Microeconomics 
  4. Income effect
  5. substitution effect 
  6. Factors of demand: Consumer income, Consumer Expectations, Populations, Consumer  Tastes, Supplement Goods, Complimentary Goods
  7. Elasticity of Demand 
  8. Inelastic 
  9. Elastic 
  10. Elasticity Formula
  11. Total Revenue Formula 
  12. Economics 
  13. Need 
  14. Want 
  15. Good 
  16. Service 
  17. Factors of Production: Land, Labor, Capital, Entrepreneurship
  18. Opportunity Cost
  19. Trade Offs 
  20. Production Possibility Chart   

Friday, March 7, 2014

Government Journal Entry #8

Government Journal Entry #8

Directions: Reflect on the following question. (10 sentence minimum) 

What is your definition of success? Write about one of your life experiences that shows your definition of success.