Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Economics ~ Shark Tank PBL

Shark Tank PBL: Create a Business Project

You will be creating a realistic, appropriate business proposal that will represent the various business organizations that exist in society today while earning economic concepts .
Procedures and Requirements
1.      General Company Description
a.      List the name of your company
b.      List the slogan of your company (i.e. Publix “where shopping is a pleasure”)
c.       List the owner’s names
d.      What will be your business type:  corporation
2.      Products and Services
a.      Describe the type of business you are planning (service, restaurant, multimedia production, wedding planner, etc.), what business will you be in, what will you do?
b.      Describe your products/services.
c.       Create a sample list of price points for your products or services (you may need to research existing companies).
3.      Target Market/Customers
a.      What region will you serve (i.e. city/state)?
b.      Identify your targeted customers, their characteristics, and their geographic locations, otherwise known as their demographics.
c.       Describe the characteristics of your market. Note: the description will be completely different depending on whether you plan to sell to other businesses or directly to consumers. :
·         Age range
·         Gender
·         Location
·         Income level/Social class
d.      Explain why your product will be appealing to your target audience.

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