Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Government Spring 2014 Final Exam Review

Government Spring 2014 Final Exam Review

1. Four Theories of Government
                         A. Force   B. Divine Right                                     C. Evolutionary                                     D. Social Contract
2. Social Contract Theory
 A. Thomas Hobbes- State of nature             B. John Locke - Natural Rights
3.  Four Purpose of Government & Examples 
 A. Economic Decision                       B. Social Order             C. Providing Services                       D. National Security
4. The Bill of Rights

·          1st Amendment- Freedom of Expression
·          2nd Amendment- Right to Bear Arms
·          3rd Amendment- Quartering of Troops
·          4th Amendment- Unreasonable Search and Seizures
·          5th Amendment- Due Process of Law
·          6th Amendment- Right to a Fair Trial
·          7th Amendment- Trial by Jury
·          8th Amendment- Cruel and Unusual Punishment
·          9th Amendment – Unenumerated Rights
·          10th Amendment- States’ Rights

5. Parts of Government
                        A. The Executive Branch
§   What are the powers of this branch?
§   What are the eligibility requirements for this office?
§   How long do they serve in office?
                        B. The Judicial Branch
§   What are the powers of this branch?
§   What are the eligibility requirements for this office?
§   How long do they serve in office?
§   How many Federal Supreme Court Justices are there?
                        C. The Legislative Branch
·          What does bicameral mean?
·          How long is each Term of Congress? When does each session start?
·          How many members serve in the House of Representatives?
·          How long is a term in the House? How long is a term in the Senate?
·          Who is the most powerful leader in the House of Representatives?
·          Who is the presiding officer of the Senate?
·          Who are the first three people in line of succession to the US President?
Chapter 16 & Notes* 
·          Political parties (define)
·          One party system (definition and example) *
·          Two party system (definition and example)*
·          Multiparty system (definition and example)*
·          Third Party (define)
·          What is the difference: single issue party vs ideological party vs splinter party
·          What are characteristics of Democratic Party members?*
·          What are characteristics of Republican Party members?*
·          What are the party views on Abortion, Gun Rights, Gay Rights?
Chapter 17: Voting Rights
·          10  Voters Types:  Independent ,  Cross-pressured, Party Loyalist
·          11.  Know term propaganda  (pg. 495-496)
·          12. What were the voting rights in 1776? *
·          13. What did the 15th amendment do? *
·          14.  What was the first state to allow women to vote?*
·          15.   What did the 19th amendment do? *
·          16.    Indian Citizenship Act *
·          17.   What did the 23rd amendment do?*
·          18.    Literacy Test*
·          19.  Poll Tax *
·          20.  Grandfather Clause*
·          21.    What did the 24th amendment do? *
·          22.   What did the voting rights act of 1965 do?*

·          23.      What did the 26th amendment do?

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